Piper decided at the tender age of nine weeks that she
would take on any venue, any challenge, and anything that
looked like fun! Not only did she proceed to do so, but
she did so with style. Piper is my "I can do it; Just watch
me" Sheltie, and she enjoys every minute of it!
Herding ducks and Pygmy Goats at home while still a puppy gave her the experience to try her natural talent on sheep.
She arrived at the sheep ranch along with her working
partner, Joy, the American Eskimo Dog, who was also
anxious to meet these new critters. The tester wanted to
see Piper work first, not realizing that Eskies, too, are a
bona fide herding breed. Piper discerned a "set up".
She had always worked with Joy, and she had always
worked stock that belonged to us. Suddenly she was being
asked to work by herself, and on stock that she could easily
see belonged to a strange man and his three
Australian Shepherds. She stood patiently by my side,
watching the flock with interest, but refusing to budge.
Every time I would encourage her to "get the sheep", she
would look over at the man who owned them, then back at
his dogs, who were not too patiently waiting in a pen behind
us. She all but voiced the question, "Why doesn't he get
his own dogs to go get his sheep?"
Finally the tester became exasperated and allowed me to
retrieve Joy, who was anxiously waiting her turn. Joy
didn't care who's sheep they were, she just wanted to
"play herding dog" and on request, went straight out for the
flock. Piper danced in place with her little front paws as
she watched Joy go out, looked up at the man to see if
he was upset with her, and then looked at me. "May I
play too mom?"
That was all it took. On the "Okay" from me, she ran out
to join Joy, working around one side of the flock as Joy
brought in the other. The teamwork they instantly displayed
astounded everyone at the fence, who had just minutes
before decided Piper was simply "disinterested"! It was not
"disinterest" she'd been showing, it was simply respect.
Even as a puppy, Piper had the manners of a lady.
Piper went on to earn her Versatility Excellent title with
ease, and then went to the dog shows to pick up her International Championship, as well. She approaches
everything with intellectual discernment, but with willingness
and drive, as well. She even agreed to hold a duck for a
photo session -- not something even many accomplished
herding dogs would do! Whatever the game, Piper is always ready to play, and to excel!
Piper's favorite activity, tho, is riding "shotgun" in the
front passenger seat of the van. There she can look out
for pesky motorcycles, and make sure we stay on the right
path to her favorite places. Checking any incoming grocery
bags for proper content is another important aspect of
that particular job!
When she's not "on duty", Piper likes to bask in the sun,
cuddle up on a down pillow, or play "taste tester" while
I'm cooking. While she works and plays hard, she knows
how to relax, too! Her favorite leizure activity is enjoying a warm bath, and a nice brushing afterwards.Then she's ready
to go again! My deepest thanks to Luella Thompson,
for sharing this wonderful Sheltie with me!