London is a grandson of the great show winning Sheltie,
Am. Can. Jap. Ch. Goldenhylites The Phantom. If you're
a Sheltie fancier familliar with the show lines, you probably knew that by looking at his picture. He has the unmistakable
"moosh" face and melting expression for which the Phantom offspring and issue are so well known. He was from one
of Luella Thompson's first litters by "The Mighty Mica", her
Phantom son, and I shall always be grateful to Luella for
sending him here, despite having a list of others who were
wanting and waiting for top quality Mica sons. Of course,
I have always been quite sure I got the best one!
London's well loved, "dripping with honey" personality
came through strongly from both sides of his pedigree.
His mama's call name is "Lovey", and he has well lived up
to her legacy as well. Collie people say he has a "Collie personality". Sheltie people just laugh and say those folks
don't know enough Shelties! Well, knowing London would surely endear anyone to the breed.
London is as easygoing as a warm summer afternoon, and
as beautiful as a burst of autumn in New England. He's the
little guy who will lie on his back for hours, just to have his
belly rubbed, and the one who will tolerate the smallest
of puppies cuddling up with him. He's the orange, rust and
chestnut coloured carpet that occasionally snores, trusting everyone to step over or around him as he dreams lovely
London finished his International Championship easily in one
weekend of shows. Most of the judges commented on his
sweet expression, wonderful personality, and sound structure.
He thought they were all pretty nice too - especially the
Canadian judge, who gave him Best Of Breed! While he
enjoyed the weekend, and especially all of the attention, he
had very little regard for the idea of "moving out" around the
show ring. Every time a judge would ask if I could move
him "just a little faster", London would look indulgently
at me with a glint in his eye that said, "No need to rush,
mom. We're only going back to where we started." He is
never one to miss the opportunity to smell the roses,
hear the bird song, or view the sunset!
I sometimes think of London as the Will Rogers of Shelties.
He has a great sense of humor, down to earth, easy going nature, and is always remembered by everyone who has
ever had the chance to meet him. He has also never met a person, dog, cat, horse, bird, or even squirrel that he
didn't like! Maybe even Will Rogers couldn't have said
quite that much! He never fails to head up the Welcoming
Committee whenever there are visitors, and leaves them
promising to come back just to see HIM the next time!
London loves to do Therapy Dog work, and fully enjoys visits
with people who want to pet, cuddle, and admire him.
When invited, he will climb carefully onto a bed or into a lap
and stay as long as he's needed and wanted. This is his
forte. He has the special gift of knowing "just when", and
"just what", and "just how much" an ailing individual needs,
and it is truly a remarkable sight to behold. To his way of
thinking, this is what Shelties are here for, and no one who
has watched him at work could possibly disagree.
Herding and carting and obedience work and such are
things he also enjoys, but as a spectator much more than as
a participant! He can do them all if he has a reason, but his preference is to sit ringside and enjoy the hands on attention
of the other spectators. Besides, he makes a great cheering section when his friends are in the ring!