Chekia Dog Rescue
Donations Page
A Five Dollar Contribution
Will Buy A Fleecy Toys
A Ten Dollar Contribution
Will Buy A Collar And  Rescue Tag
A Twenty Dollar Contribution
Will Buy A Half Gallon Of Doggy Shampoo
A Thirty Dollar Contribution
Will Buy A Large Box of  Food
A Forty Dollar Contribution
Will Pay For An Office Call
At The Vet
A Fifty Dollar Contribution
Will  Buy Freedom From A Kill Shelter
A One Hundred Dollar Contribution
Will  Pay For An Office Call At The Emergency Veterinary Hospital
This darling little Maltese had a broken hip
when he came into the shelter, and no other "rescue" would take him.  His delicate surgery cost nearly two thousand dollars,
but his recovery was priceless!
This sweet little Dachshund mix came to us pregnant and with an old injury that caused her uterus to break thru into her chest.  With her uterus and intestines in her chest cavity, and her liver sitting on top of her collapsed lung, the vet did not believe that he could save her.  ....   But he did.

This precious little Maltese came to us from a shelter that insisted on spaying her but not removing her multiple mammary tumors at the same time (it was ""not their job"").  We had to wait for her to recover, and for the skin to grow back from the spay surgery before we could put her thru another surgery to remove the multiple tumors.
A Seventy Five Dollar Contribution Will Buy A Month's Supply Of
Young At Heart Senior Dog Supplement
Jeremy -- Recovered
Gretchen -- Recovered
Winnie -- Recovered
You're listening to
"Wind Beneath My Wings"
written by
Larry Henley & Jeff Silbar
...or you can designate your contribution
     be used for a particular dog, or need